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MS-DOS Kermit file copy over RS232 serial link
RetroTour: MS-DOS File Transfer Using Serial to WiFi Modems and ZModem
Old man retrocomputing: bootstrapping MS-Kermit
Retrieve file over serial without kermit and lrzsz (2 Solutions!!)
Installing Kermit, with PIP.
How to transfer files from an old DOS PC to a modern PC
File Transfer pt 1 - Microsoft interlnk.exe and intersvr.exe
Kermit - Post Installation Steps
MS-DOS networking with mTCP
RetroTutorial: MS-DOS Infrared File Transfer with Interlink, FastLynx, and Laplink
TRS-80 Model 16 CP/M: Xfering Files from Modern Systems - Part III
Using a Serial Cable and Ghostlink to Transfer Files from PC to Atari ST